Acadia in Motion

Time Lapse Photography Workshop
Acadia National Park, Maine

Workshop Description:

Embark on an immersive journey into the world of time-lapse photography amidst the stunning landscapes of Acadia National Park, Maine. In our Acadia in Motion workshop, you will learn to infuse life and motion into your captures, transforming static scenes into dynamic visual stories against the backdrop of one of America's most picturesque national parks.


Introduction to time-lapse photography: Begin by understanding the essence of time-lapse photography, exploring the concept of time compression, and learning about the equipment necessary for creating captivating time-lapse sequences.

Landscape Planning and Composition: Discover the art of composing compelling landscape scenes within Acadia National Park, considering elements such as foreground interest, leading lines, and framing to create visually appealing compositions.

Choosing the Right Time and Conditions: Learn to read natural lighting conditions and choose optimal times for capturing the changing moods of the park, including sunrise, sunset, and the golden hour.

Camera Setup and Interval Shooting: Dive into the technical aspects of setting up your camera for time-lapse photography, including selecting appropriate intervals, adjusting exposure settings, and utilizing remote triggers.

Motion Techniques: Explore techniques for adding motion to your time-lapse sequences, including the use of motorized sliders and panning heads to create captivating movement within your landscapes.

Editing and Post-Processing: Delve into the post-processing workflow for time-lapse sequences, from importing and organizing files to editing in software like Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Premiere Pro.

Advanced Time-Lapse Concepts: Learn about advanced concepts such as day-to-night transitions and creating sequences using motion control equipment to take your time-lapse photography to the next level.

Field Sessions: Engage in hands-on shooting sessions within Acadia National Park, applying the techniques you've learned under the guidance of experienced instructors and receiving personalized feedback.

Storytelling through Time-Lapse: Explore the creative side of time-lapse photography by discovering how to weave together sequences to tell compelling visual narratives of Acadia's ever-changing landscapes.

Showcasing Your Work: Discuss methods for sharing your time-lapse creations, whether through social media platforms, online portfolios, or exhibitions and gain insights into effectively presenting your art.

Prerequisites: This workshop is suitable for photographers with a basic understanding of camera operation and manual settings. Familiarity with Adobe Lightroom and basic video editing concepts is a plus but not required.

Register Today!

The Details

  • Main Tour: May 29 to June 2

  • $2,395.00 USD

  • 5 attendees maximum

  • Duration: 5-day immersive workshop, including field sessions, hands-on practice, and group discussions

  • Lodging in Bar Harbor, Maine (we will provide recommendations)

    It is recommended to arrive one day before the workshop date and depart one day after the workshop date

    Private Tours: April 15 to October 15
    For private tours, please contact us by email or phone!

    What you’ll need:
    transportation to and from Bar Harbor, Maine
    a national park pass valid through the duration of the workshop
    sturdy hiking boots or shoes
    an ability to navigate uneven and sometimes slippery terrain in low-lighting conditions
    DSLR or mirrorless camera, a variety of lenses, a sturdy tripod, an external intervalometer,
    ND filters, multiple memory cards, two or more batteries
    headlamp or flashlight
    smartphone with Photopills app installed

    What we’ll provide:
    all transportation around Bar Harbor, ME, as well as to and from Acadia National Park
    a full itinerary and daily schedule of events
    time-lapse photography instruction
    guidance with finding composition and understanding the passage of time
    tools to help visualize time-lapse compositions
    recommendations for local entertainment, lodging, and meals
    a one-on-one post-processing experience via Zoom

    What we recommend:
    arrive one day before the workshop date and depart one day after the workshop date
    a laptop for offloading images
    multiple lenses for a different perspective

    Join us in Acadia National Park and master the art of time-lapse photography, transforming the park's breathtaking vistas into dynamic visual narratives that showcase the passage of time like never before.

Register Today!